Electronic mail: Secure mailboxes.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Mail lists: Distribution lists to exchange group messages, managing membership subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Web space: An internet address to publish there the own designed pages.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Web autopublishing tools: Automatic weblogs to publish there without technical knowledge, only with the own username and password.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Web collaboration tools: Mainly wikies or forums; to work with documentation there (publicly or privately) or a place to debate o make web meetings.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Desktop roaming resources: Remote desktop to connect to a private area with all the applications from different computers. Network document folders to connect from different computers.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Virtual servers: Exclusive operating environment to have the own customized services or software. This is the best option when someone wants to technically administer the own resources, or because someone wants to collect everything in a single server with same space and with the availability to export the whole or synchronize data.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Server collocation: Exclusive output with own IP address, with electrical and environment maintenance in the place where computer is hosted.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
In site machines preparation: Desktop computers installation with Ubuntu GNU/Linux, accomomdating to specific needs. Servers preparation to have them in the own place.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info
Technical assistance: Help to solve computer difficulties. It's a service only for people who already uses other services.
Advice for user software: office, graphics, audiovisual, communications, etc. To know the solution to each need or desire; always with free software.
Ask to: request AT actiu.info